so finally, i got our 2007/08 movie online.
the riding level is something between flat 7s, sw backs, decent powder lines and 75 ft grabbed 3s and 1s.
the editing is (imo) somehow creative. at first, i choosed not to use to same old hip hop shit like everyone else does in their edits. i used only tracks whose artists granted me to allow their stuff. so its a mix of electronix, freestyle rap/reggae, jazz/classical and hard rock. give those artists a chance, listen to them!
then i used terragen and after fx to create two intros as well as the outro. all titles were made with after fx, and the general editing happened with premiere pro.
the major downpart might be the length. its almost 28 minutes. but if youre into editing, you might get a few nice ideas from watching. and i hope that a few people will watch it for the riding and can give tips and stuff to all the guys featured in this flick.
with "download original" on the linked page you should get a better (still compressed) version than this flashconverted stuff.
so have fun and hit me back, any comments are greatly appreciated,