So I have a VX2000 right now and I've been shooting with that for almost 2 years now. Now I have one major beef with it - it's huge and heavy. I do like all the manual controls and all but I have seriously been considering switching to a smaller HD camera. Now I have my eye on the Sony HDR-SR11 because I like the 1440x1080 shooting mode (HD version of NTSC essentially) and it has a decent deal of manual features. I read about the JVC Everio GZ-HD6 and didn't like what I read. I also looked at the Canon HV30 and I also liked what I read. Seems to have a lot in common with the SR11, except the eye piece doesn't movie, which I know will piss me off.
So if anyone has any experience with these cameras please share. Also I want opinions on whether or not I should make this change / is it worth it. And one more long would a 60GB hard drive hold out shooting in 1440-1080?