Alright, so this has been given to donators and friends already, so here it is for all the rest of you.
The movie is free for download and runs abotu 30 mins in length. It is our (WBP|films) 2003 release. Try not to download the .zip file more then once, cuase it kills bandwidth.
As far as comments, I don't give a shit if you like it or not. So far, everyone has said it's good (you can read jeff's review in this forum). HOwever, if you do like it, and wanna support us, donate some money.
As for songs, they are listed in order off apperence in the credits, and for now, I have none to send to you (my computer lost everything last night, so I have to get them back)
Anyways, enjoy, donate some money, send us some feedback.
you're all so worthless