I know there has been a thread on this but I figured I'd make a new one with updated info. The sale will occur on September 18th at midnight and it will have ridiculously low prices on the MR's and Districts that you all know plus 2 new models, the Shoots and the Mavens. The 09 skis are all updated and have been tampered to fit the needs of the community, many people gave their inputs and the skis were changed accordingly, so all the things you hear, for example, about the MR's falling apart, those don't apply to the 09 models
Bluehouse also is partnering with Look/Rossi so they will be selling the p18's, the px 12 jib's and the p15's at low prices as package deals with the skis. You will be able to buy those at 12:00 am on the 19th
The MR was stiffened in the tails to prevent faster wearing out and the topsheets were enhanced to prevent the chipping that everyone talks about. The tips were also rounded more and it now comes in a 164, 171, and 179, the dims are 125/93/120 and they have a totally legit new graphic
The District will now be made in a 176 and a 187 and is a stronger ski that is substantially stiffer than last year
The Mavens are new to BH this year and are a fat rockered charger ski with a long running length. They're made for pow floating and big mountain charging. They'll come in a 189 and be 154-139-151
The Shoots are the charger ski made for straightlining and going really really fast. It's the stiffest ski in the lineup for 09 and similar to the prophet 130 it fucking rips. dims are 149-128-133
PRICES WILL BE RELEASED IN A FEW DAYS, there's been a thread on TGR discussing the right prices, they will be more than last year because the upgrades use more expensive materials but the prices will still be ridiculously low, you could be scoring some 09 skis for like 300 bucks give or take.
This is a great opportunity to help a growing company set it off in the ski industry and to land yourself some super sick and super cheap skis. If you have any questions about the company or you want to check out the skis more, go to www.bluehouseskis.com and see all you like, but BH is a legit company and you will be happy with your skis, so sept. 18th at midnight you can score some really cheap skis