Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,007
Holy shit dude... what the hell happened here?
XavierD, why do you always have to be so freaking negative about everything? You're the only guy on NS who consistantly hates on Boone, and its only because you have a bunch of mis-information on hand. You dislike how we introduced our skis out there, blame that on Me if you want, because I'm stoked about the skis that I'm riding, and I'm definitely the person who has posted the most about the skis
Let me clear some stuff up for you...
First of all, none of us at Boone are paid to bullshit. In fact... I can honestly say I havent been paid a hard cent for going around and repping for Boone. I've mainly just been doing it because.. well... its fucking fun! getting to talk about skis that you're stoked about when its 90 degrees out? Can't go wrong there... secondly... Matt Fry actually just BOUGHT the skis... He's not affiliated with the company, and hes not being paid by Boone or anything. he's stoked about the product, and talking them up the skis he invested in. He hasnt bullshitted about how hes ridden them or anything... the most he's done is seen them in action at Hood this year.
As far as who makes them and where they are made... I have no clue, and will continue to have absolutely no clue as to where and by whom they are made... Boone signed a non-disclosure agreement with the manufacturer, so I dont even really know if HE knows where they are made. I do know however, they aren't made by some cheap manufacturer, because the durability and quality of the finish is of very top quality. No we did not just buy some package of pre-fabricated skis... Boone sent in the dimensions and the materials he wanted in his skis, and they made them.
This season Boone did not get a big huge long ski out on the market. The reason behind this is simple - only a small minority of skiers need a huge ski. Look at Armada? Look at Moment? Both of those companies started out with shorter, narrower skis that are more geared toward your park skier. Next year, we plan to get a bigger all mountain ski out there for sure.. but this season, we have what we have.
If you're trying to say that Boone is another Ninthward, and just goes to some disclosed manufacturer and puts their graphics on pre-fabricated skis, you're out of your mind. Boone is not Cambell. He actually cares about skiing, and is trying to put the best product he can out on the snow. We have 3 different graphics on our skis, and use bamboo in our cores, unlike the majority of companies who use poplar wood in theirs.
again, Boone didnt even copy the JO Pros. They look very similar, and its very annoying that this happened, but both Boone, and Head came up with the idea at the same time. Boone had these graphics set up for his skis a couple of years ago, and got them pressed and ready to go about 2 years ago , just like Head has had the JO Pros. The graphics were already set in stone, and being layed down on skis when the first releases of the graphics were out, and its not like he was going to change them just because of what Head was doing with their skis. Its just coincidental, and it sucks, kinda.. but sometimes people have the same idea, it happens.
Anyways... this thread got WAY fucking off topic... mainly because XavierD decided to chime in and fuck up the mojo, but whatever..
TO ANSWER THE QUESTION.... As far as park skis this year, you have a lot to choose from. Every company has a park specific ski out there. Find out the price range you want to spend, the dimensions you think would be cool.. whether you want them symmetrical, or non symmetrical, what the core is made out of, how stiff they are, etc. Look at the specifics, and decide from there.