Ok, so I was riding my bike up Guardsmans pass today w/my ski gear and it started dumping...so I decided to ride to the top of the pass then bp'n (boot packin) to the top of Jupiter peak (of Jupe as we locs call it)...I think I saw Tanner and the Massive crew building up Portuguese Gap getting some last minute shots for the movie....Well, anyway, I just started rippin down war zone w/freshies the whole way down...I definitely got some core shots but it's because I AM CORE. The freshies lasted until Thaynes, so I hiked up that gnar lift line and proceeded to ski on a dusting of snow, rocks and grass to the rail yard at the top of the town lift. This is where it went OFF YO! They have this new down flat down rail..it's OFF THE EFFIN HOOK YA HERD? I sesh'd it by myself for awhile, I think I saw Johnny Mosely (or J-MOSE, as his friends call him) in the bushes poaching some shots of myself, like that H30 films guy...so be looking for shots from J-Mose soon, they'll probably be found on his homepage...he may even claim it's him making a comeback into the park scene, BUT DONT BELIEVE IT...after that epic sesh I hiked down and called my friend PJ to pick me up.. if you haven't herd now ya HERD YO! PJ IS THE NEWEST SHIT..I'm calling PJ to win superunknown next year, he's from ALABAMA...I told him all about my sesh and he thinks Level 1 should pick me up so if you see this Josh Berman or Freedle Coty hook it up ...look at J-Mose's website for the footy, but remember it's me and not J-Mose.