My thoughts, I was typing them as I went so they are brief. I'm amazed at how contradictory he is on just about everything. Good speaker though...
"McCain's education plan doesn't help you pay for your daughter's college tuition." Why the fuck should the government pay for your college? I don't get it. he denied that we are a Nation of whiners. That was a stadium of whiners.
The DNC has repeatedly talked about "the promise of America" and how great we are because of it, and how it enabled Obama to live the life he is, yet everything they do shows that they have no belief in it, and instead need the government to step in and help them move up.
I can't wait for 10 years when Obama saves us from Middle Eastern oil.
He wants to provide everyone with education, yet the democratic party is strictly against vouchers, giving families the choice to put their kids in the schools they want. God forbid, can't disrupt the unions.
"I will take away services that we don't need, and strengthen those we do need" ? Is that so? You got my vote. Could he be more vague?
And his shout out to Ted Kennedy. Give me a break, the man has never made a cent in his life.
"We are a nation of JFK"; the president who said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." First off, his universal health care plan is 'what your country can do for you', free government hand outs. Second, the quote is fundamentally wrong in my opinion. The government isn't serving us, its granting us freedoms to do what we want, and we shouldn't serve the government. Not exactly relating to his speech but important none the less. If more people saw government as a means to the end of freedom and choice, not as a means to success and money or as a giver of handouts, then this guy would
Common purpose bullshit. I can't remember the quote exactly, but something about how we need to find our common purpose or that we have lost our common purpose. Why should we all have a common purpose. Individuality. Freedom. I don't have to have the same goals as everyone else.