EFFFFF! I had a huge post written about this set-up, but now it's gone! I hate auto-logout.
Point being, both peices are XL and 20K waterproofing, but I hate getting snow down my pants/up my jacket, so I attached them together (with velcro and snaps, they can still come apart and be used seperately, and you can't tell they are joined when you're using them) I wanna sell the whole get-up for $200 + ship.
Pics are in my room, with my macbook camera, so not the best, and keep in mind I'm 6'4"...
Last pic I'm lifting up the jacket and showing that it's the powder skirt that attaches to the waistband on the pants.
I personally use suspenders, that's up to you, cause I'm keeping mine, they were a gift from a friend.
PM me or throw out a reply if you're interested.