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Firstly, Chris Matthews isn't a liberal. He's an idiot.
Secondly, MSNBC is nowhere near as biased as Fox. Fox is an entirely conservative network. They have no shows which have any redeeming value whatsoever. It's all partisan trash. MSNBC has Countdown, which is unabashedly biased: Keith Olbermann is a liberal and there is no one denying that. He would not deny that he supports Obama. There are conservative shows, too, though; Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough (former republican congressman), for instance, who is actually to the right of McCain on many issues. Until halfway through the primaries when Race for the white house came on, Tucker Carlson had a show that led into Hardball. Pat Buchanan is a regular on hardball and race for the white house (which is fairly centrist in its coverage although it sometimes features a panel with more liberals than conservatives), and Pat Buchanan is more conservative than... ok name someone, and Pat is more conservative than they are. Just a couple of examples; they have a pool of Republican strategists and campaign surrogates to draw upon for panels. The new Rachel Maddow show will be on a similar track to Countdown in its leanings, but again no one's denying that, and MSNBC knows what audience it's catering to there: Countdown's share is growing and they want to capitalize on that by keeping those viewers around for another hour. Most importantly, there's no claim by anyone that Countdown is anything resembling "fair and balanced". It's punditry from a left-wing perspective. Also, Olbermann is actually an intelligent guy, who makes his arguments very articulately, whereas Hannity, Bill "We'll Do It Live" O'Reilly and Steve Doocey are... well, morons. Steve in particular needs to be hit in the face with something made of iron just for being such an utter tool. I mean look at the guy. You're telling me you don't want to hit him? ... But I digress.
Fox: every show and talking head is far-right oriented, except Chris Wallace who stays to the right of center but attempts to maintain some semblance of respectability.
MSNBC: Has one (soon to be two) hardcore liberal show, which doesn't represent itself as being anything BUT liberal... and the rest of the network resembles Chris Wallace, but just to the left of center.
Of course, wingnuts will continue to whine about this amorphous, poorly-defined "liberal media bias" without being able to cite anything specific, as they always have.