I believe they're the jam tweed pants 07/08 model a few stains and tears from 1 season of use....pants can be cleaned rips are just there so tell me what you think from the pics....throw up some prices....retailed for a buttload last season.....oh and i was very happy with the pants i just want to get new ones for the season...super warm too
of reference i'm 6'0 tall
brand: orage
size : xl
here is the link for all the info on the pants
pants straight up
size for confirmation
around the waste
saggin a tad bit
dope zippers
little stainage on the ass probably washable..maybe not, not a big deal tho and can barely see it
a little shreddage on this leg
and a little shreddage on teh right leg
overally they're a little dirty not a big deal can't really see it considering the color of the pants. And theres a little rippage down at the cuff...not big deal....really solid pants though