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Hot girl wants to buy my skis
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
So i have these used (by me) Salomon X-Screams 7 Lites size 163 and i have no use for them, so she wants to buy them for me. They are in almost perfect condition, few expected nicks and scratches but nothing major. How much should i sell them for, with marker bindings included?
SMS Session 2
''And now, a man whose a real 'po-theed'...I'm sorry, 'pothead'...'' - Page McConnell
I promise I'll donate soon...
Posts: 991
Karma: 19
sell em for a fuck and a half
Posts: 991
Karma: 19
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
now why didnt i think of that?
SMS Session 2
''And now, a man whose a real 'po-theed'...I'm sorry, 'pothead'...'' - Page McConnell
I promise I'll donate soon...
Posts: 6853
Karma: 75
If shes hot $200. If she was ugly I'd say $300-400.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
are you sure even that much? ive had them since end of 2000, and skied on them for one full year, and half of the next year
SMS Session 2
''And now, a man whose a real 'po-theed'...I'm sorry, 'pothead'...'' - Page McConnell
I promise I'll donate soon...
Posts: 222
Karma: 13
ok, here's the deal. Sell them for 100$ and a fuck.
Posts: 6853
Karma: 75
oh.. I didn't know they were that old, I would sell them for like $150, but its probably better you decide for yourself?
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
ok, forgetting who im selling them to, is that how much you think theyre worth, anybody?
SMS Session 2
''And now, a man whose a real 'po-theed'...I'm sorry, 'pothead'...'' - Page McConnell
I promise I'll donate soon...
Posts: 6384
Karma: 953
forgetting who you are selling to, I would say $250 to her. that is a good deal as long as they are in a decent shape base/edge wise
now the old man sits until the days when time stood still, the hours always seem to fade, but the memeories never will. All the love that you gave me, the dreams in the night. Now I just want to thank you, while the day's still light.
-Vertical Horizon
Posts: 1802
Karma: 13
$200 if she is hot, free if she will be your bitch
"We're super, incredable, heavy duty dudes!" - Cheech Marin
"Skiing and pot where ment for eachother, almost like peanut butter and jelly." - Sonny Anderson
"My eyes, they can't take in his radness." - Sonny Anderson
"Wildflour Wild Water." - Danny Day
"The goodness just explodes in my mouth!" - Bill Flemming
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
be like well since your hot 50$ but your gunna have to eh repay me if you know what i mean
Posts: 7863
Karma: 22
i think 200 is a fair price.
"I like driving switch, I'm also getting better at turning unnatural"- talking about cars
Posts: 1718
Karma: 11
Posts: 192
Karma: 10
Posts: 3037
Karma: 10
Right. Get her to go out with you.
It seems the entire cheerleading squad is going to beat up the person who spoke ill of Gwen; they have put down their pom-poms, and they are now â??fired upâ?? to exact swift and terrible vengeance on Gwenâ??s behalf.- -AR_Six-
Montana- Snow through September!
Fuck Stereotypes.
And while you're at it, fuck concussions too.
Posts: 6436
Karma: 109
200 if she's hot and you wanna have a chance but you should start at 250 cause she will probably bargain you down some.
Dave Murray's Session 4
Posts: 2155
Karma: 19
You can get last years grey 1080 boots for like 250 now, if i was buying your boots i would pay no more than 150; and i don't even know if i would pay that much.
Posts: 2284
Karma: 11
Oh excellent,time for a sexy party!-Stewie Griffin
4frnt skis
Posts: 8893
Karma: 7,634
If shes hot make some type of bargan without money
Swollen is the way to go, holla
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