I was thinking about this concept the other day. Is your style truely an extension of your personality? I started looking at some of the kids i shred with and it just seemed to match up.
Friend A- hates the world, anti establishment type- style-hectic, reckless, out of control but somehow doesnt get broken off- famous for skiing fast and attacking features as if he is trying to vent, does alot of misty flips and never really lands them. says things like " Fuck the chelsey boys at brighton and rich kids make up their own mental problems" Clothing: urban meets snow
Friend B- Humble, shy, friendly- style- old school, controled, never does anything to shake the boat- famous for back flips and pencil threes. says things like " Lets go hike that ridge, I dont care what ever, lets go find some moguls" Clothing: REI meets snow
Friend C- arogant, self centered,- style, really modern, does alll the stock tricks that get the kids jizzin, not alot of flavor, leans toward the competition aspect of things- famous for corked nines and statements like " Dont bother me, Im trying to train" Clothing: what ever the sponsors tell him to wear
Friend D- stoner type into new age philosophy,art and likes to talk about animals, nature and vegatables- style- relaxed, mellow, no grabs, fluid and creative- famous for things like big 180s off of natural features into utah virgin snow and riding on two snowboards. says things like " I rise with the animals, and he didnt land that because he exhibited too much negative energy" Clothing: earth tones and big hand made hats.
Friend E-good all around guy, not that bad ass and not that lame, somewhere right in the middle- style- acceptable not alot of style but still appreciated. made famous for big mute grabs, tight turns and gaps. Clothing: Racer meets park, again right in the middle.