I was playing volleyball for about 2 hours tonight, started noticing my hands felt weird making fists. Got home, started looking to see what was up.
Left hand: Index finger should make roughly 15 degrees with middle finger comfortably. It's at 30 degrees when my middle finger is straight, and it's almost impossible for me to get it to go any closer than 20. I can move it there with help, but getting just that finger to move closer requires a ton of effort. Moves fine in every other direction, knuckles all bend fine, just can't move it towards my other fingers. No pain or anything either.
Right hand: Opposite problem. Index finger isn't moving very far away from my middle finger. Not quite as bad, but still noticeable typing (y, h, n especially).
Obviously I'm thinking the volleyball contributed, but I can't think of anything in particular that would have caused it: didn't jam anything. No history of arthritis, no pain, no swelling. Not really stiff, just can't move it. Couldn't find anything on google. I'm thinking it's a ligament/tendon issue, but just throwing it out there to see if anyone knows whats up.