Sports Authority is ski and snowboards biggest enemy, and the companies to sell to them should be kicked in the balls. Ski and Snowboard is a culture a way of life not a sport, and the fact that it is merchandised next to Volleyballs and fishing poles is a true tragedy. If any of you truely give a shit about the preservation of our culture, do not buy brands that sell to sporting good chains. These brands don't give a shit about our culture, they just want to squeeze as much money as they can out of it. If we don't start holding them accountable for selling out, they won't stop doing it. The fact is the core (NS) group controls the market. Only buy from core shops and buy core brands. Any brand that sell to Sports Authority is a," Whore not Core." Ha Ha
Also I just got off the phone with the crew and the Evolution Tour event in Boise went off big. We will have an updated video out next week.
Brad Geiger