Replying to Heat stroke?
so i maybe a few months ago someone posted that they were gonna do their first triathlon...which got me thinking "why not?"
i did my first triathlon (yay!) last weekend.
during the race i realized how unprepared i was (not so yay!).
swimming was fine, though it thundered right when i was getting out of the the race was "postponed" and we had to start everything all over again. damn you mother nature.
biking was fun, all flat. not much to say other than road biking is sweet.
heres where it got really fun though....
about a mile into the run i started feeling kinda funny in my tummy,
then when i got a drink of water at the 2nd mile i couldn't keep it down. (all the photos my mum took of me were at this point, so all the pics i have documenting my first tri are of me puking and running...good times...)
then i started to shake and shiver for the last 3 miles. (dry heaving a few times per block)
i'm wondering if this was heat stroke? if it was does this mean i'm more likely to get it in the future? i'm moving to hawaii this wednesday, hoping to do my second tri in november and hoping to get all the advice i can.
like i felt fine right after the finish other than being a little thirsty...
p.s I recomend doing a tri to anyone. finishing is the best feeling and you really learn about the depth of your character/limit of your body.
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