Replying to Evolution Tour Manager alive and retarded
What up NSrs,
There is no better way to follow a kick ass evolution tour event at Windells than spending a week in Portland ICU and the Trauma Recovery Unit. I am back in Utah and have good days and bad ones.
I just wanted to drop a line to set the rumors straight about my condition since my accident at Windells last week. I broke my back in 2 places, broke 6 ribs, punctured my lung, and a massive concussion. I snapped both my FRNTS in half and ripped both my back bindings off, and the doctors say that is what saved my life. I have no memory from the time I hit the ground to when I got to the hospital, but I thank all the riders who helped get me off the mountain safley. I also want to let you all know how much I appreciate all the lettters, cards, calls, and emails, it means a lot. I will be 100% by winter and just a little more retarded than I already was.
Thanks again for all your support,
Brad Geiger
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