Yes, the movement has begun. I see a world in which all us facebook haters can congregate and hate on facebook and plan for its demise in our own place of the internet. It is up to us to destroy such a social networking monster. I see a world where people must actually meet you to actually know you. I see a world in which people care about their own lives instead of getting up to the minute updates of someone else's life. I see a world in which your 'friends' are people you get along with and not one of the many anonymous pictures on your computer screen. I see a world in which people get off their asses and actually give people a drink rather then send a virtual one (so lame). I see a world in which employers won't be able to study up and make judgments on applicants before the interview. SO...all you facebookers out there, keep wasting your time on your gimmicky little personal slice of the www, while us FB haters do something more talking shit about you.
I know there are a lot of FB users here, but don't try and say FB is cool, because its not, not one bit.
And don't start throwing me hate because i'm immune to it.
T-shirts with the image below might be made if our army grows large enough.