Everybody in skiing needs to band together to stop magazines such as Freeze from trying to decide who's cool and who's not.
Magazines should be more like newspapers, they should simply report on whats happening in our sport. Because it is our sport not theirs. the people who make decisions at Freeze are not necesarily skiers. Most of the people who write and make decisions about our sport havent even really been involved in it except on a weekend warrior basis.
I'm not writing this only due to Michas review of scandalous, but because of all the other decisions that Freeze feels that they can make.
People who happen to live near the Freeze office at Fronrange CO resorts also have an unfair advantage, simply because of location rather than actual skill, style, or any other factor.
So whenever Freeze or any magazine starts to make decisions about our sport it is our resposibility to make sure that they know about it, and that were not gonna stand for it. Its our sport not theirs. If it wasnt for all the kids all over the world that love to ski then they wouldnt have shit. And they need to have respect for that.
'what the fuck you mean is he fuckin dead? the nigga layin there wid all types of fuckin blood comin out his head'