I am quite happy. This morning I woke up grabbed my money took my moms deposit slip to put in he bank account and then got 300 bucks towards my sticks! So i go online and this is the evening. you know watching jon's new stupid blog post about racing and got to look at JOSS vids again. And then watch colby's vid and saw the k2 apaches that fujas has in the vid and start looking around. and long story short I got intrested in PE's. MY brother and my friend's brother and my dads hangliding friend all have PE's. They all love it. I go to skis.com and look at there review. they all say they love it. I am really into them now. I google it and first thing that pops up in the orange box for sponsored links is http://www.aspenskiandboard.com/displayitem.jsp They had them for $280. HOLY $H!7. I did some more browsing and saw those skis fit me. It was wide enough for Pow and good for park