Replying to tired of seeing/hearing ppl making our sport look like its full of idiots.
ok this is in response to a pic in the ppl section regarding which jacket to just tired of people all trying to be something their not and making that the main part of their worries, not skiing.
wow so many of you have the wrong fucking take on skiing. i know it is 95% image based but it shouldnt be. and the fact that all you little kids who think they can kill it are concentrating their energy in the wrong places. wear whatever makes you warm. fuck because until you make it to pro status. what you wear wont fucking mean shit and besides if you spend all your time conentrating on skiing, and get good enough to become pro then you'll get the clothing hook ups and wont have to worry about what you're wearing cause all you'll have is nice clothes. but im not saying dont go out and buy nice stuff. everyone does that but dont make it a focus point. skiing is about skiing not looks. so grow up and be true to your sport.
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