Replying to just a thought
during yet another boring class at school i suddenly realised how much music affects society, so i used the rest of the time to figure out how it actaully does
you see back in the times when we had bands such as led zepplin and pink floyd their lyrics actually meant something if you listened to them. they could make you a more intelluctual and smarter person if you thought about what they were saying and how its true.
but now we have all these prebubescant little kids otherwise known as pop stars writting songs about the same bs, whinning how they cant have a girl or their fucking 'liquid dreams' wtf is that all about. then we have rap, such as eminem, telling kids its cool to do drugs and to beat women, now that is fucking horrible music(to me). now im not saying that all music today is horrible and meaningless and all rap speaks about kiling people and doing drugs, just compared to music from earlier dates, IT SUCKS!!!
now back to my rant, music is part of our everyday lives we hear songs and we know the lyrics so we sing along and the ideas and thoughts get stuck in our head, all these rhymes that are syncronised to annoying beats from some fag on a keyboard.
Most of these artists are broadcasting a message on how we should look or act. So next time you hear a song on the radio really try to listen to the lyrics and make sense of them youll realise what crap is being put out....
hopefully at least some of this made sense to you, please let me know your thoughts so i know that im not alone in this boat....
A good friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend will be the one sitting next to you saying 'That was fucking awesome!'
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