so my friend who plays guitar is in love with incubus and mike einziger, the guitar player. So Mike is starting a solo project with new people and his debut show is august 23rd. to promote this show he set up a contest to get his most loyal fans to come to it. so my friend made a video saying that he has been heavaly influenced by mike and that he has the same guitar and so on.
so today i find out that he won the contest and that he is going to la to meet see his new groups first show. mind you that his band incubus has not heard a note of his new project, no one has. so this is the first time anyone will hear it. he has also invited me to go to the show and sit within the first 5 rows. then, he has 2 vip tickets to the after party where we will meet mike, his new band, and all the people in incubus and most likely party with incubus and most defiantly meet some hot chicks.
this is going to be awesome... and i have to tell everybody i can