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Ideas ideas ideas: NS Movie
Posts: 1688
Karma: 126
So, we're very close to announcing the edits nominated in the top 5 spots for the NS Movie.
First off, I want everyone to know that you need at least 30 votes for your entry to be considered.
Second, we might actually choose 2 or 3 alternate edits, in case someone in the top 5 doesn't pull through, or makes a shitty re-edit.
Once the Top 5 have been announced, they are required to make a new edit, following some guidelines, rules or themes. We need ideas for cool themes and rules, please keep in mind that most people are finished filming for the season, so they won't be able to re-film any skiing, they might be able to shoot some lifestyles stuff, but let's try to keep these guidelines within the range of editing.
Post all of your ideas here, plus karma for good ones
Posts: 2257
Karma: 721
definitly needs time limit. 5-7 minutes?
Theme should be something really specific like jibs or urban or jumps. see what they can do with that.
but the rules for the original were pretty good and straightforward. I'd stick with those for amount of people and such
Posts: 11052
Karma: 113
1) no - i hope u realize how long 7 minutes is for an editor
2) no - variety is KEY
Posts: 3018
Karma: 8
Make it something to do with first, i dont know what, but there has got to be something.
Posts: 5
Karma: 10
whats up with the shitty re-edit? haha i just watched the videos and sounds like your directing some hate to an edit that added more powder and is better than the 1st... interesting
Posts: 5
Karma: 10
oh and i also suggest that video of the guy doing the screaming cum should be put in the movie to
Posts: 1775
Karma: 60
Wow, wow, woooow, you cant just call ced "that guy" its Cedric Tremblay-Fournier.
You know NOTHING.
Posts: 1031
Karma: 81
wat if at the beginning of each seg they say their name and answer some funny question that evryone answers then in the middle theres another funny question for everyone then at the end a final funny question
Posts: 1031
Karma: 81
or wat if theres some sort of strange baby or childhood picture in each segment
Posts: 1684
Karma: 88
i like the mini interview idea.
before each seg, have the riders answer a few questions.
could be personal, about NS, funny, whatever....
Posts: 1372
Karma: 283
fonts should be the same or really similiar in each edit. Is there an into being made cuz i movie wouldnt flow well without one. It could be something similiar to the poorboyz commercials.
Posts: 1688
Karma: 126
don't worry about the fonts and stuff like that, i will take care of all the final editing, I wanna know a sort of theme for the movie, something they can edit or film even though the season is over
Posts: 638
Karma: 13
you could throw in a rick roll segment, own everybody who buys the movie
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
they should all use a lil wayne song....
Posts: 11902
Karma: 1,019
I personally think that the NS movie should have segments from different parts of the US/Canada. West coast segment (all the west coasters edits linked together and shortened with all their banger shots), east coast seg, midwest, whistler kids...etc
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
So you finally realized that having people send you shots and editing it yourself was a horrible idea, good work.
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
I think it would be cool if for an intro of one of the segments you have someone on top rated videos and then they click on one to watch it and its the segment, just try to incorporate the site into it
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
Cool idea..
Film someone clicking on the video segement. It creates a good break for dissimilar editing styles, creates a space to insert some humor, a short narrative can be added and it markets NS to the uninitiated.
Solid idea!
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
you could also incorporate that Farps program, i think thats what its called, the one that takes video of your computer screen, so then you can show what they are clicking pretty well
Posts: 8358
Karma: 1,674
i think a great opening segment would be like a chase secene type thing, a bunch of guys running through the streets in ski gear knocking eachother into trashcans, walls etc. the end of this race would be a pre-prepeared urban, the first skier to reach it chase would slide it, afterbang, and claim FIRST!!!!!1!!!ONE!!
Posts: 1891
Karma: 59
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
That is actually pretty clever!
Posts: 1063
Karma: 447
sarcasm i hope? the worst idea EVER.
itd be nice to have at least one with good backontry and powder
definitely have everyone give a shot out to NS
and the first in line idea is good too
have everyone filming them in all their ski gear waiting first in line for something...
thatd be sick.
Posts: 1063
Karma: 447
sorry for the double post, but i wholeheartedly agree
then it wont be FIRST!!!
itll be WSKI 106 second. =(
Posts: 1891
Karma: 59
YAY! one other person on this site isnt obsessed with under ground rap!
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
Maybe have, at the beginning, and at the end some transition type of thing.
ex: Beginning of each shot have a ball being thrown to the rider, and after their segment, have them throw the ball straight up. And then the next person will "catch" the ball and then there segment goes, and then they "throw" the ball to the next person. It would involve everyone to film a shot of them having a ball thrown to them and them throwing a ball, but it would be cool.
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
i like this idea alot!!!!!!!
Posts: 4789
Karma: 1,813
lol or have a hammer passed around and when they get it they say " i help'd build it , I help'd built it too, I help'd built it and now its mine!" lawls. pretty good idea but its over used.
how about, doing an evolution of music styles. each crew could be assigned a music style to edit with and it would go in order of evolution. you could do ski music evolution or just popular music evolution. that way there is a lot more variations in the music styles and everyone is happy. you could also film some corney scenes. ex: lets say you have disco ( of course you would find a rare disco song that is actualy good) you could film a couple shots with a disco ball and some friends dressed up like gapers on "roller skates" and have fake mustaches and just do some dumb stuff. I think it could be a good idea.
Posts: 10720
Karma: 66
i think every segment should have the question
"how do you get to chad's gap from the bottom of alta?"
with their own answers
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
Too many NS'ers asked the same question= SAME ANSWER too many times
Posts: 1688
Karma: 126
so you finally realized that getting a sex change was a good idea!!
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
Posts: 5039
Karma: 104
hahahahahha solid response
Posts: 12811
Karma: 1,971
for credits you or someone should just edit together from goof ups/clowning/crashes.
Posts: 7558
Karma: 926
^haha yeah like skiPorn. i like that for credits
Posts: 12811
Karma: 1,971
it's a pretty standard thing to do, been in a few movies, not just skiporn.
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