Here are our house rules:
Setup: Cups shall initially be stacked in a 10 or 15 cup pyramid; the final row must be touching the edge of the table and the lead cup must be centered. Cups shall be touching, with no spaces between. If at any time spaces appear, the shooting team may call for an adjustment so that the rack is less sloppy. One member of each team lines up and shoots at the others rack at the same time to start the game (misses or ties = other team members shoot until a side prevails).
Reracks: Each team receives a total of two reracks. A rerack must be called before the shooting team shoots a ball, and the shooting team can request any formation they wish, provided the furthest cup remains touching the edge of the table.
- If the team sinks both balls in different cups, the cups are removed and the shooting team gets to shoot again.
-If the team sinks both balls in the same cup, the balls are returned and the drinking team must remove the cup and two other cups of their choice.
-If the ball strikes the surface of the table and lands in a cup in play, the cup is removed and two other cups of the drinking teams choice are removed after the round is over.
-NBA LIVE RULES: If you sink two in a row, you are "heatin up". I you sink three in a row, you are "on fire" and continue shooting until you miss. The count is how many shots you sink in a row, regardless of how your partner shoots.
-If a ball at any time lands in a side beer, the team to which that side beer belongs immediately loses.
-If a ball is bounced into a cup that already contains a ball, then the drinking team immediately loses.
Other conditions:
-No blowing or fingering balls that are rimming around cups.
-If a ball touches the table on a shot, it may be swatted away.
Same as above, but each player gets a initial stack of 10 cups. You drink from your stack. No reracks until its down to 10 cups, and then the normal 1 pyramid is assumed, and normal play resumes.