So its summer, and I've been seeing multiple long board threads every day. Each one gets me more and more intrigued about this sport. My question to you guys, should I get one and try it out? I've got a few reasons why I want to try it, but I don't know if I'd be able to pick it up quickly.
So I'm really starting to wonder about it for college. I'm going to a fairly big college next year, about 35,000 undergrad students. So its a bigger campus. It's all flat though on campus but has mass hills once you get off campus. Everything is about 15 or so minutes to walk, but I figure longboarding around would be more fun and take less time.
NS, should I buy a longboard? I have no experience ever skateboarding, just because I've never been into killing myself to progress in tricks. But longboarding would be a fun way to cruise around IMO. Plus carving down a long wide street looks ridiculously fun.
*sparknotes: should I longboard in college? Never done it but I think it would be fun.