Hotter girls, agressive driving, better sports cars, no to low drinking age, no smoking age in many countries, its got everything except great terrain parks. Screw Canada and the US, im summering there.
Grinding planetary rings would be incredibly difficult, not the least for which because there is no surface per se to slide on, and the collisions of the pieces of asteroid, dust and ice in the ring would make an environment that would not be pleasant. Your blood would first boil in the vacuum of space, leaving you so incapacitated that you could not maintain sufficient balance if there was a surface to grind, and then the temperature would freeze your skin, shatter your eardrums and sever your optical nerves because your watery eyeballs would freeze and then shatter. In the next split second, hundreds of particles of dust, ice and rock smaller than the size of this comma ',' would rip through your ski coat and body, instantly killing you. Your body would then still float about getting cut to shreds by the fragments until it is crushed between two colliding pieces of debris, eg two asteroids within the ring, which would grind your frozen body and regrettably snap your boards, boots and bindings, into dust to float around and become part of the massive debris fields that are the rings of Jupiter.