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Alright, I didn't watch the whole thing, and that being said, my first piece of advice is to shorten it down. No offense, but you guys aren't exactly Twall and 4bi9, so not many people are gonna watch 4 minutes and 30 seconds of your video. Its the same for me. Try and keep it around 2 minutes. You can cram the good stuff in and edit it so its fast paced, exciting, and keeps the viewer interested.
You also need to start off with banger shots. Leave all the shaky shit out. Your first shot was awful; no hate, but honesty. If you get closer/better angles it will let you zoom in less and stay more stable. Even better, ski with a tripod if you're serious. Its a pain, but hey, it makes your shots great. I went on a trip with some buddies, one of whom filmed most of the time, but I carried all the shit for him, including a tripod/backpack. You guys can work that out.
Try and make the edit meaningful. I try to reflect the feeling of what the edit was about. If it was a good time, then I edit it and use music that portrays that. I'm not a big fan of clips thrown into music. I'm not a big fan of Lil Wayne either, and I feel he's kinda shallow in his music (maybe he's not, I can't really understand him to well) but you could have definitely done a better job with song choice.
Overall, this wasn't bad. You're skiing is pretty good, but you just have to work out how you like to make your movies. Just get the shot, and you can mess with it later. Once you get good, start making it artsy and shit. You'll get better man fo sho (assuming you're a beginner). I'm not too experienced either, but already I feel that I'm pretty good at making movies.
Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your improvement on the next one ;)