Fool huh? Your right I must be a fool to stay in this industry shooting skiing as long as I have.Trust me, giving your photos and video away for free is no opportunity for the photographer / filmer.... the only opportunity that it creates is for the vultures in this industry to continue to feed and profit off of the very ones working there ass off to help promote our sports and the athletes.Trust me you will never ever get anything from giving your images away. You wont even get respect for it. All that will happen is that more and more people will expect you to give them your work for free, and since they got it from you for free, they will expect everyone else to give them photos or video for free too. All that this is doing is making it even harder for the working pros to break even on there costs to create stoke for you. Trust me, if a video is worth the time to produce, or the photos worth publishing, then the creator deserves to get paid at least something to justify there time and the cost of there gear.