Hey all. im not on here much over the summer, since my love when its warm is skateboarding, and skiing kinda takes a backseat.
But Im in the process of building a new deck to replace this guy:
I love the way this board rides, but its just about dead, and i wanted something a tad more freestyle based, so i came up with what follows. the construction is very ski/snowboard esque, and consist of a maple and aspen core, with HDPE sidewalls all around. the hardware consist of Indy 169s (soon to be tricked the hell out), bilitin bearings, and 71mm Bennett Alligators, 84a.
its still got alot to go, alot more shaping, and then the lamination. gonna be layed up with stratigically placed carbon, glass, and UHMWPE top and bottom sheets, the top impregnated with silca for grip.
heres a pic, but check out the link for a whole process album with descriptions of the build up to its current state