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Last time i ordered from I jad a rediculous number of problems with them, thankfully it eventually was resolved. However they have a T shirt and hoodie Im dying to cop, and im considering using the site. Has anyone elese had problems with is a terrible site. so terrible that i am willing to look up the teeshirt that you want on any other website on the internet and send you the link. seriously fuck that website. heres the deal: I ordered one of those line i am a skier shirts from them in may last summer. i was all excited cuz not so many kids ski in maryland but i can make more friends at places like the mall or the skatepark if i am wearing a shirt that shows my favorite sport. so here i am just skating away from like may until june. and i'm thinking where is my shirt? i ordered it 3 weeks ago on overnight mail. so i have my mom call the company and they dont even have a customer service phone number so i had to email them. we email them and 2 weeks later we get one back saying that they are sold out of the product!!!!! but they tell me that they will get another shipment for september so i'm like sick i can wear that shit to school. september rolls around and still not shirt. they say they have not got anything for me yet. and then after like 5 more emails they finally give me my shirt, in the wrong size and get this, it came to my house in january. yep that is right after waiting from may till januaray i finally got my stuff.
so, if you order something now, maybe it will be at your door before spring skiing hits ! good luck.
i remember in like 2005 i ordered a few DVD's from them and it took a little while to ship but i did get them all...
but like 2 years ago i remember this member, i think it was like "katielove" or something pm'ed a ton of people on NS (including me) saying we would get free getboards packages because they wanted to show their dedication to the sport or something.. for whatever reason i actually sent her my address and sure enough a week later i got a box with stickers, a french toast DVD, beanie, and some other shit.
i'm 21 and i thought i learned my lesson from there when i bought a pair of skis that they lost the order for but still charged my credit card, so i thought i would give them a chance again with a shirt a couple of videos and i think a pair of bindings... nothing shipped for like 3 weeks and after that they sent it ground to me so i didn't get it until almost 5 weeks after i had ordered it. the exact same think happend to my old roomate but he just flat out never got his videos. but whatever they probably serve alot of people but still stuff like that is not acceptable.
they sent me the wrong size hoodie once but i also got some gogles wich shipped fine. i called the customer service # and the order confermation # and the same dude answered both phones so i get the feeling its a pretty small site
It doesn't matter how many people think they're legit. If I hear of one order being messed up I lose confidence. In the 4 years I've been on this site, I've seen countless getboards sucks threads. You would think people would learn and stop buying from them. It's not a matter if they're going to screw up, it's how big and when.
yea i completely agree, this website has messed up my orders twice... the first time i never received a beanie that i ordered and they still charged me and even after i contacted them i never got the hat... the second time i tried them they sent me the wrong size sweatshirt and it was like a month and half late... moral of the story, i never use that site anymore
I bought the first one and I had it in like a week.
I liked it so much I bought another one, and I had it in another week.
It's the luck of the draw? I have a ton of shit from them, and I know my mom ordered a bunch of shit there many times for me and my brother over the last few years, I've never had a problem
I ordered some trouble makers two years ago in 165, but they sent me 155, and by the time i returned the 155's they were sold out of 165. But because they screwed up they gave me the next seasons TM's for a real good deal, so I would say ther are legit
I used getboards once and they were really quick. they shipped a Hoodie all the way to syd, Australia and it arrived within a week. Real happy with them
i have ordered from them a lot (only skis and bindings) and they always come on time and are exactly as promised but i have never ordered clothing, and i guess that is what always gets messed up good luck
so im planing on getting my new skis for the season. and i saw on getboards they had what i wanted and for a good price with great deals like no tax and free DVD. but just because they give away free shit does not mean they are a legit site. btu from reading what people are saying on here should i still order my skis through them? i don't know if it will make a difference or not but im getting the 08 LINE anthems.
thats great a lot of you have had good experiences with them, but i think this guys more worried about the bad ones ive had problems with them twice i dont reccomend going throgh them unless necessary
then again, i work in a shop that doesnt offer e-commerce yet (altho thats to come next year, finally) so i'm pretty against ordering online, as are most people in my situation. buying online kills small core style shops like mine.
and besides, you may save some money buying online, but even for liability sake, we're gonna upcharge you to mount the skis (if we screw up on something bought from us, we get refunded) so you sometimes end up paying for it later
sorry for the tirade on buying online. i just want to see more people buy from places that are gonna give back, and even evogear and jibij are gonna do that, and they aren't going to potentially dick your order
dont order from getboards. i was in the same situation about 3 years ago, i really wanted the brown 4frnt hoodie with the gold cursive 4frnt on teh front. the only place i could find it was getboards, and i knew they had a bad reputation so i was reluctant to order it. but i finally did, it was a christmas present for me that year, and when we didnt have it by february(ordered in mid december, mom wouldnt call before february) my mom finally called. they said the order didnt go through, and so i had to order it again. mid march rolls around and i finally get a package from getboards, MY SWEATSHIRT! put it on to see how it fits, notice the back looks like it was dragged ont eh ground, the thing was all torn up, and there were cuts from scissors in the front nad on the back too. we sent it back in and they had sold out of the sweatshirt, but were willing to give me store credit, yippie. i never used that store credit and will never use it, i advise anyone against ordering from there so you dont get fucked and not recieve what you ordered like i did, and to anyone who is reading this who happens to work for getboards and have some say in what goes on, fuck you
I have ordered from getboards (clothing, skis, ski poles, videos) on numerous occasions over the past couple years and I have gotten my order within 4-6 days every single time, no bullshit. I may just have good luck, but every time I've ordered from them I've gotten my shit really really fast. I'd definitely say they're legit
THis thread should be in Gear Talk - I left it up because I have read of numerous instances where members who have ordered from Getboards were not satisfied.
Please order from those who advertise here on NS
It supports this community in many ways like providing forums for discussing online sellers like Getboards. There are representatives (orange members) for many of the products and more are added weekly. You can be fairly assured that problems, should they arise will be dealt with quickly and fairly.
when a company fucks you up, you cant just remind them every 3 weeks or so.
you gotta push.
so send a nasty email that you tried like 8 billion times to talk to them, threaten never to buy again, threaten to tell your friends, etc. I have done this numerous times and it works. and send them emails and call often. they will get you your shit.