Well here we go.
I just got grounded today (im in college, back at home,) for not coming home last night and blowing off curfew. Here is how my night went. I left the house at about 1000, to go meet some friends. i left the house as the dd. my dad told me as i left, "son, be home by 1230 and no drinking." this was going to be no problem. i was dd, and i could be a little late coming home. no big deal.
a new ride to the party is found and i begin drinking. this is my first party since college, and forgot my tolerance disappeared when i left college. got sick. reaaaallly sick. It is decided that i sleep at my friends house. i have my moms car, as my brother borrowed mine.
my dad comes home today and lays into me. he tells me that i made some bad choices last night, and that i am letting my personal life slip into the depths of oblivion. he also states that i am being unproductive. he keeps me from going to my friends birthday dinner and party.
and this is where my rant starts. while i did mess up last night, i am not unproductive and i believe that i am on track to become a leader, and being in college, i can afford to take care of myself when it comes to my personal life. i am in an honors program at my university, have a 3.5 in that program, am active in my fraternity, work my tail off at red robin, and still find time to train for two triathalons this summer. i think i can afford to sleep in till 11 when i can and do some partying. my personal life is not a mess, it is thriving. i take care of my body, mind, and spirit (i am a devout presbyterian christian) and im active in ym church. there is no FUCKING way i am unproductive.
in short, fuck parents and their sheltered suburban shit morals and how they think that i am throwing my life away. i hope i make more money than my family could ever dream of, garner more attention and fame, and say that their retired asses are being unproductive as they collect their social security checks.
im taking my fat, unfit father on a run tomorrow, and tell him, as he is weezing and struggling to breathe from hauling his overweight ass to keep up with me, that he is being unproductive, lazy, and not taking care of himself. maybe the words he told me will ring in his head a little bit and he will reconsider what he thinks of me. ill let you know how it goes ns.