Lately i have noticed alot of threads from people who want to get sponsored, so i decided to make this thread so people will quit asking that question.
The first thing you should know is that if you just want to get sponsored for the free stuff then you probabaly wont. Companys are looking for people who like there gear and will make good contributions to the company. Being sponsored is similar to being a rep.
Peolpe ask this question alot, "Do you think im good enough to get sponsored" Well here is the answer to that question, compare you self to the top rated promo's and riders at your local mountain who have sponors.
How do i get sponsored.
Well to get sponsored there is a couple ways, From comps, and vids.
The best way is to do both. EXAMPLE: Make like a folder of all of your competion results and send it in with your edit.
Where do i send my edit.
You should'nt send your edit to every company you have ever hurd of, you should only send it to a select few who you would really like to ride for.
You should also consider trying to get on a shop team first, which will make you get noticed by bigger companys easier.
If you have any other questions you are welcome to message , or reply to the thread.