SUBMISSION DEADLINE ***JULY 4TH 2008***(theres a typo in the contest rules)
To submit your edit, go to:
It's been tried, but failed every time, but now is the right time to get the NS Movie off the ground.
The Contest will be a member created movie, available on for Download and streaming.
1. You Join the NS Ski movie cult, here:
2. Upload your edit from the 2007-2008 season using Vimeo,
3. Email your Vimeo link to, your video will then be posted in this vimeo channel:
4. Post your Edit in the on the Video Contest Page here:
5. NS members must judge each edit according to the overall content of the edit: skiing, editing skills, etc. (DO NOT JUDGE MUSIC CHOICE)
6. The top 5 edits will be selected and the winners will be notified, The winning edits will then remake their edits according to the guidelines of the NS Movie.
7. We will get every winner to submit their raw footage via an FTP and the videos will be standardized to ensure optimum compression quality and flow from one edit to another.
8. The Movie will be available on for Download and Streaming, the edit will then go through one more vote for the overall best segment.
2. Upload your edit from the 2007-2008 season using Vimeo,
3. Email your Vimeo link to, your video will then be posted in this vimeo channel:
4. Post your Edit in the on the Video Contest Page here:
5. NS members must judge each edit according to the overall content of the edit: skiing, editing skills, etc. (DO NOT JUDGE MUSIC CHOICE)
6. The top 5 edits will be selected and the winners will be notified, The winning edits will then remake their edits according to the guidelines of the NS Movie.
7. We will get every winner to submit their raw footage via an FTP and the videos will be standardized to ensure optimum compression quality and flow from one edit to another.
8. The Movie will be available on for Download and Streaming, the edit will then go through one more vote for the overall best segment.
Prize packs will include product from: Moment Skis, Jibij Pro Shop, Switch Gloves, Design Idea, Tinga's Hats, etc...
Grand Prize winner will receive a pair of Cedric Tremblay-Fournier
Signature Moment Plank's, on sale exclusively at Jibij Pro Shop.
Please have all edits submitted by July 4th
Please have all edits submitted by July 4th
1. Anyone can submit an edit as long as they are a member on
2. All skiers must be credited in the edits.
3. Edits must be between 3 and 6 minutes.
4. Please use Vimeo, as it will be the standard for submissions and will make posting much easier for us.
2. All skiers must be credited in the edits.
3. Edits must be between 3 and 6 minutes.
4. Please use Vimeo, as it will be the standard for submissions and will make posting much easier for us.
5. Deadline for all submissions: July 4th 2008
6. You can submit more than one edit, however, you can only have one submission selected for the movie. (ie: if you are in the top 5 multiple times, your top submission will be selected)
7. Edits can have a maximum of 4 athletes, as long as they are all credited.
6. You can submit more than one edit, however, you can only have one submission selected for the movie. (ie: if you are in the top 5 multiple times, your top submission will be selected)
7. Edits can have a maximum of 4 athletes, as long as they are all credited.
Questions? Please Contact Dave at
Can It be done? Of course it can, the question is, will NS come together to get it done?
Can It be done? Of course it can, the question is, will NS come together to get it done?