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How long does THC last in your body?
Posts: 63
Karma: 10
So I am looking for a job, and I might have to take piss tests. I am 170 pounds and the last time I smoked was 4 grams with 2 other people 2 weeks ago. I don't remember how much I personally had but ya. How long do you think the THC will last or should I work on diluting my piss and working out and shit?
Posts: 1289
Karma: 16
i hear the best way to get a clean piss test is to drink someone elses piss so your pissing out their piss cuz you cant have your piss in there or they will tell its your piss
Posts: 63
Karma: 10
Your fucking retarded.
dis is b1g de4l kai?!
Posts: 11052
Karma: 113
Get a friend to piss in Mountain Dew bottle, keep it with you whenever you go to your job interviews
Posts: 1289
Karma: 16
no no no you gotta drink it befor you go in
Posts: 782
Karma: 87
get a sealed bag of clean piss and strap it right under your crotch and wear like boxers/trunks, then some sweat pants, make sure its kind of by your sack because they pat you down and shit
Posts: 782
Karma: 87
don't know how long it lasts though... sorry didn't really answer your question
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
i think you would be alright if you are a fairly active kid. how often do you smoke though? if you are a habitual smoker but your last time was 2 weeks ago there still might be a good chance there is some in your system. if you dont smoke very often then i'd say your in the clear, just drink lots of fluids and get some exercise in and you should be good to go. i've heard that cranberry juice is like a detox and so is niacin. you should be able to pick up both at any store...
Posts: 3080
Karma: 969
just go for a long run and sweat it out
but you should be good after two weeks i think
dont hold me to that though
Posts: 351
Karma: 30
word thats what i was going to suggest. Running is the best thing you can do. flush that system out. if you're too lazy to run, just quit smoking for a month, get the job and then start back up. you'll get extremely high and be employed.
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
Like the other guys are saying, it really depends on your habit. Smoking 2 weeks ago really isn't that bad if you don't smoke that often. But if you smoke a couple times per week and your last time was 2 weeks ago thats a little different story. Heres a little biochem lesson for you though:
As many of you know (specifically those of you who make pot brownies) THC is lipid (fat/oil) soluble. Thus when it enters your body the majority of the remnants are contained in your own body fat. This is why drinking ridiculous amounts of water isn't quite as effective as you may think (although it helps). When someone tells you, you need to run and "sweat" it out of your system... this doesn't actually refer to the sweat physically carrying the THC out. When you run and work out hard core you're burning and removing the fat in which the THC is bound to. So given your situation this is going to be the best way to pass your piss test.
#1 Run/bike/whatever hard core every day up until your test. I'm not talking like running a mile and calling it quits. 3-4 miles should be good. Even if you have to split it up into 2 runs. You need to feel physically tired and drained afterwards.
#2 Drink a shit ton of water. No lie, maybe 2 gallons per day. Every time you see a water source you should be drinking.
#3 Go to walmart and purchase a multi B Vitamin suppliment. Its cheap. You could get like 100 capsules with all the major B vitamins for $8.99 or something. You're going to be popping these things like tic tacs. Make sure it contains:
B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin) ****EXTREMELY IMPORTANT****
B6 (pyridoxine)
B12 (cobalamin) ***EXTREMELY IMPORTANT***
These are all water soluble vitamins. And you can't really OD on them, because you piss the excess right out. But you should be taking 1000% - 2000% of your daily intake. B vitamins help to raise your metabolism and burn fat. Thus making all that running you're doing more effective. If your piss is lime green, its normal, no worries.
#4 Last but not least the night before your test, start drinking cranberry juice, and keep drinking it up until your test. The plan here is to dilute your piss, but still have the chemical components of the cranberry juice provide a yellow tinge to your urine so the testers wont reject the sample for being too dilute.
...but... like someone else said... it would be a fuck ton easier if you could get a friend to piss in a bag and tape it to your balls. But some places now really pat you down hard core, and some even make you piss infront of somebody watching.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Kid knows his shit...
but yeah.. when I had my interview for my last job, the chick seriously got right in there as far as patting me down...
if I DID have a bag of piss, It would have 'sploded all down my pants...
luckily, for the job I currently have, I didnt have to take a piss test. Thank youuu ski shops.
Posts: 63
Karma: 10
Thank you very much Grubix, and the rest of you guys.
Good thing; my parents make me run Cross Country for my High School, and I have to start running with the team on Monday, and that is generally 5-12 miles.
So I should be all good. Thanks!!
I'll get some of those B Vitamin things to., just in case.
Posts: 6349
Karma: 4,463
cranberry juice, cranberry juice, and a little bit more cranberry juice.
Posts: 1503
Karma: 2
Posts: 59
Karma: 19
THC is stored in your bodies fat. it will stay in your system about 2 weeks or so. but yes. the best thing to do is drink cranberry juice. and make sure its real cranberry juice because the juice cocktail doesnt have the antioxidents in it. also green tea is good too
Posts: 3824
Karma: 90
youll be fine in about a week after some vitamin B3 and running.
Posts: 344
Karma: 11
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Karma: 330
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
dude before you go for the interview...call and say you are writing a paper for a class and you would like to ask a few questions if you could. and ask if they have a drug free work place and that if drug testing is a part of the heiring process and such. most places when you call and say you are doing school work will love to help you. say you are doing it for a business class and you are designing a company and are trying to figure out if you want this to part of your interview process or for a drug class...i know my college had one....say you are doing research into how many companies actually drug test their employees. then you will know before you go in if you need to even worry.
good luck!!
Posts: 2839
Karma: 149
holy balls thats a good idea, my job said they were going to drug test when i first got the job so i got freeked out but it never happened and now i know they were just bullshitting
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
haha thanks! just a lesson i learned on the road of life....you can get any answer you want if you know the right way to ask! pretty much any company will help you if you have a question for a school paper.
Posts: 12072
Karma: 60
i heard a story about a kid who passed a drug test while somebody from either the company hiring or an establishment that does drug tests watched him from the back. he filled a condom with his cousin's clean piss and kept it in his underwear along with a hand warmer to keep it warm; apparently there was a thermometer in the cup. anyways, the kid used a needle to poke a whole in the condom drain the piss out. i assume he was lucky enough to have the right amount of urine, have a leaky piss condom in your underwear at a public place would suck.
Posts: 571
Karma: 11
Trace can be detected within 3 months.
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
In the US it's actually illegal for someone to observe you actually urinate for a drug test, unless the drug test is court ordered, and/or if it is to make sure you are not in violation of your parole. I think there may be an exception to this though, if you sign a waiver permitting someone to observe you.
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