holyDINOSAURS - gimme a photo of a wide safety grab and I'll try to put it in.
Peter. - haha, this is why I love this game. When I ski, I rarely put the brakes on - I pick a line that manages my speed the way I want. That's why I never thought of putting in a slow down button in the game
babujib - right click near the skier and choose "zoom in"
McMuffin - I think I'm going to delay the change in stance a bit. Might help with smoothness a bit.
RsEkEiDer - Rants are fun. I tried more corked before but it looked dumb when the skier starting leaning too far off axis just for carving off the lip, I might try it out again. Crashes would look cool, but proably wouldn't make the game much more fun. I don't think I can make yardsales happen yet... glad you dig the pillows! Parks and rails? Maybe later. Different views? Not any time soon (except for the zoom in thing). Pow depth... that could be interesting. Butters are on the list.
rossiskier93 - one of those wacky personal style things. When I'm going to jump off something switch in the game, I land switch off the previous feature so I don't have to revert. But everyone plays differently. I think the spin around thing will be part of buttering.
Bab. - yay giant pillow lines!
s~bomb - I want more levels too. Fullscreen will be laggy on some computers, they just can't draw the game fast enough.
joeydude - shiftys will return.
XavierD - yarrrrr, something like that. Maybe up and left/right for slashes, down and left/right for butters or something.
AlpinePlease - I was going to write something about hexo flips, but there are old people swearing at each other outside and it distracted me
sick-as-aids - ja I could do a dump / clear tracks button
ZMiller - contests are neat. Parachutes? uuummmmmmmmmmm
SKIDUBAIGUY - you found the super secret invisoskier! Actually, the switch skier model probably didn't download for some reason, so there was nothing to display. Sometimes the Internet is dumb.
hah now I'm tired.