Soo my Friend Cory Zila was in Norway for the last stop on the world qualifying tour.he called me this morning and told me this story...
. he was sitting in 4th spot and had to get top 29 out of the 100 field to qualify for next years world tour (not ifsa the real new world tour)
soo they made them hike this massive face and cory ran 97th out of 100 people... and had to site there for 4 hours.. soo he does his run then drops abot a 50 foot plus air lands and his ski comes off he eats shit and almost slides into a crevasse .. and died.... well 2 or 3 hours latter he looks at his bindings... some one has changges the din setting from 17 all the way to the lowest setting.... soo he crashes.. gets 30th place. just missing out on qualifying for next years world tour ( he got 5th on world qualifying tour only top 4 made it) soo some one sabitaged his ski.. so he wouldnt qualify.. hence risking his life... I never thought in a millon years shit like this happened .. what would have happend had he had fell in the crevasse and dies casue some asshole fucked with his skis?? if we cver catch who did this.. dam hes gonna get beat down.. what do you guys think ? has any one else seen ,heard or had sabitage happen to there skis while competing or is this a 1 off thing? I could imagine it happening in Alpine .. but big mountain.. your putting your life on the line skiing gnarl shit who the fuck has the nerve to mess with peoples equipment?