does anyone understand what is happening? gas 4.13 per gallon.
its not just gas thats expensive, it hasnt happened yet but it will.......
anything that requires gas to make its way to your hands is going to start going up up up up.
FOOD, MILK, BEER, WEED, SKI GEAR, CONDOMS, ELECTRICITY, HEAT, POSTAGE pretty much everything requires some sort of fuel.
also to add to the housing crisis most young people now go to college and have a huge loan to pay off. so for the few who before could afford their loan and a place to live might not be able to anymore with the rising cost of living. like 40 percent of the country had a hard time keeping up on bills before now, the future doesnt look good for having cash.
if people dont have money for things they resort to theivery to get what they need. maybe im just being crazy but think about it.
sell your ice and buy a safe and lock up what cash ya got!