So about 2 months ago, i was pulled over for going 83 in a 55 by a state policeman. He got me on radar. Automatic reckless driving charge, which means i had to go to court.
I know, i'm an idiot.
So i take this ticket home, and give my keys to my parents, and they flip out. I was grounded for 3 weeks, and they took my license from me until my court date. They told me if i get another ticket, they are taking away my license again for longer, and selling my car. Also, i had to cover the financial side of things, including all fines and court fees and the increase in insurance.I was honestly, really pissed off, despite the fact that it was all my fault.
Fast forward to today when my court date was. The cop was there, gave his statement, including that to catch up with me he had to go 100 mph for a mile and a half. The judge honestly gave me the scariest stare i have ever encountered, and asked me to explain myself. As i said that, my stepdad asked to say some things and ran down the list of the punishment i recieved for committing the crime. After hearing that, the judge asked me what my summer plans were(work), and then told me that he was going to give me a continuance till december 5th, at which point if i stay out of trouble, the case will be dismissed.
so once again, because my parents were pretty strict, i get a second chance. couldn't be happier.