Ok, I dont want to sound like a bitch but...
I feel like you guy have been slacking off. Don't get me wrong you guys are probably very busy doing, well...moderation, but the stupid threads seem to be growing from day to day. I was scrolling the non-ski gabber and I came across useless threads like: "poop" and "they can take our threads". I get on NS to procrastinate, but how can I procrastinate over threads like THAT? I want to take pride in being a member of NS, but every year I keep seeing more and more dumb and useless posting. How can I be proud of something that is annoying? Should it be the users to report useless posts?
Ok, I have some recommendations.
1-Site admin should give a specific list of topics that just does not contribute and should be deleted. This should be made public and easy to find by anyone
2-Any member that complains about their thread being removed for any reason should directly report to a mod (to be directed to the mod that removed the thread) and not be posted on site discussion to avoid cludder.
3-A deletion history available to mods, to keep track of who removed what.
4-An automatic warning system that runs under the PM messaging.
5-Have a flagging system to flag useless threads to all mods, so they can be deleted faster.
I know you guys have a delicate job of keeping everyone happy, and I dont want anyone think that I want censorship, I just what to have a clean, loving NS; something I can be proud about.