Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a quick update about the store's shipping. We've been getting a TON of orders, and I've been doing my best to get them out ASAP.
Normally we go through about 3000 stickers per winter, but since the opening of the store (hasn't even been three weeks) I've produce and shipped out over 4000! That's a LOT of stickers, and I've been doing my best to keep up with all the sticker requests. Unfortunately sometimes I can't get some of orders out until a week or so later, but we ship everything by airmail so the packages shouldn't take too long to get there.
I've also been getting a lot of emails asking for tracking numbers or people wondering how long it'll take, and hate to say it but we do not get tracking numbers on most of the orders since they are ship as "small packages". If your order takes more than 3 weeks to arrive, send us an email and I'll do my best to sort things out.
Thanks for understanding guys!