Replying to Federal offence
ok, so heres the deal. My buddie and i were bored yester day so we went and got some works and tinfoil and started making works bombs. soon enought we got bored with that and started driving around putting them into mail boxes. Later that day a cop stops behind my buddies truck which is parked out side his house. he goes to the door and puts my friend into custidie. so i go home and soon enought there at my door wanting me. I go outside and see whats up and they start reading me my rights and put me in cuffs. They countine to put me into the cop car and take us down the the station. so when were downt theres they say its federal so they have to talk to the post master who is incharge of bombs, threats, ect. now its all up to him if we get charged with a federal offence or just taken to court and get charged as a minor.
so my question to you is what do you think is going to happen to us?
ever happen to any of you?
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