Here is what I know about summer setups first I will tell you the background. I first built it on flat w/ a 10ft tall drop in and a very steep angle I believe the ramp was 15ft ish during. I used the green turf stuff w/ soap. It was 5ft wide so I could ride down it switch. With this setup I could slide a 12ft metal single barell rail and this rail was 8in high. This setup worked ok but not the best. I later purchased some powder pak which is so awesome. It slides well and I have had it for 2 years now and I have nothing to complain about. Later I found a better place for the setup, I put the ramp (same height and length) on a gentle slope and now I have a 50ft dfdfd pvc shot gun. It is epic if you can find a slope at your or a friends house I highly recommend it. The pvc rails work the best and if you are planning on building one I recommend you use the black electrical pvc, it dosen’t shatter in the winter. Also I have a 7ft flat in between the ramp and the rail. I hope this was helpful if you have any other questions I probably can answer them, post them below.