I just wanted to share this story with you guys. So recently this little feller, check the pics, has been wandering around my backyard and wants to be pet by me. He has no collar and is SUPER small, i mean small, the pics make him look bigger then he really is and hes so soft. So the first time i saw him i gave him milk and i was held back by my family not to give him tuna because he would never leave lol. So this kitteh after having milk the first time, always comes back now and mini miaows at my door because he cant miaow properly yet.
The other night my family had a bbq for my brothers graduation from university and this kitteh decides to show up and join the party. A bit through the party, he follows another neighborhood kitteh out to the front of my house where there is a big ass tree. To test his new paws and claws this little fellar decides to climb the bigass tree!! The more we look at him, the higher he decides to go until it reaches a point where hes so scared he can only keep going up. Now I start to freak out cuz hes slipping and mini miaowing like crazy and he actually started to slip thru the branches. I bounce to my neighbours, take their huge ladder, climb up the ladder, almost drunk, to take down the little kitteh that was actually falling thru the branches and he luckily basically landed in my palms.
He now visits all the time and when i open my backdoor to see him he runs into my house and hides lol. What a KITTEH!