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Nuclear threats, is anyone else scared??
Posts: 67
Karma: 122
So i school yesterday we talked about the cold war and shit and our teacher told us about the threat that still exists today of nuclear bombs. And I dont live in the city but I live about 50 minutes away from NYC and the teacher said that our area would be totally be annilihated if a bomb was aimed at the city. Is anyone else scared???
Posts: 2439
Karma: 1,578
uh no?
why live your life being scared of stuff like that?
Posts: 8761
Karma: 139
Don't worry, just duck under your closest desk and put your hands over your head and you'll be safe.
Posts: 427
Karma: 47
true true, just ignore your teacher
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
At least you don't live in MT! We have quite a few missle silos all over the central and eastern part of the state, so if any kind of nuclear action ever occurs I'm done for. There's also the time bomb known as Yellowstone National Park a couple hours away, I think in Bozeman we only have a few minutes left before obliteration if that thing goes.
I think it's inevitable that the human race will destroy itself (and probably everything else on the planet) at some point, it's just a question of when and how.
Posts: 1051
Karma: 11
like i don't want to have blind faith in the government but i'm sure they have missle silo's and other air to ground missle bases that would save our asses in that time of need...
Posts: 3087
Karma: 169
no because there is hardly even a threat at all and they have missiles that can detonate them before they reach the us.
and you know vermont isn't 50 minutes from nyc right?
Posts: 3398
Karma: 10
nuclear weapons are only really used for the purpose of threatening, countering a threat, or bluffing. in todays world it would be insane for any stable country to launch a nuke....
lets just hope the unstable countries dont ever get their hands on them... and if they do lets not piss them off
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i had a dream once that NYC was hit by a nuke and we could see the mushroom cloud from where i live in MA. It was strange to say the least.
But overall i'm not too worried, because if one does hit near me, i probably won't have much time to worry or do anything for that matter. And i have some satisfaction in the MAD (mutually assured destruction) policy that if anything hit us, the country that launched it would be blasted into oblivion. (the idea of "you launch 1, we launch 100")
Posts: 2930
Karma: 166
Yeah thats basically what happens now. We have the Patriot defense anyway, and I'm pretty sure its one of if not the most advanced missile defense system on the entire planet. Not to mention if any country besides our own, or a few countries in Europe used a nuke, the entire world would come crashing down on them and they would be wiped from the face of the earth
Posts: 1587
Karma: 41
No, i'll blow the fucker up
Posts: 7382
Karma: 148
I live in NJ and I realize that there is a possability of a nuclear attack on the city. If one was going to happen I could see it coming from a terrorist group not a country. And I don't think it would be fired (if so it would be shot down). I think that more likely it will come on a frater (sp?) that is being shipped into the city.
If one does go off, I will probably not be killed in the initial blast but definitly suffer from the nuclear radiation/maybe chaos that persists.
This is a tiny reason why I support a war on terror.
O, and for the people that say "this is never going to happen", I hate to bring it up because its been abused so much but 9-11
Posts: 7201
Karma: 1,126
9/11 is a direct result of our involvement in the middle east. the day we pull out is the same day that a threat of terrorism from the middle east will end, a War on Terror is counterintuitive, if not down right stupidity
Posts: 3067
Karma: 673
shit that suucks! i'd be scared but luckly I live to the other side of the country.
Posts: 5065
Karma: 84
well unless a terrorist group does it, i highly doubt any country would ever bomb us. cuz they know they'd just start a nuclear war and everyone would die. but you know
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
What are you scared of? Death?
Posts: 1312
Karma: 12
the other day my econ teacher (ex military guy) said that every year the us and russia tell eachother where exactly theyd shoot a nuke if a war broke out so that civilians could get help asap. and he said the russians aimed one 20 mins away from my house (middle of nowhere MI) because it was some mayjor distributing place for goods. i guess we aimed mostly at military bases and shit in russia and they went more for out economical areas, so we'd be fucked.
Posts: 2913
Karma: 385
i beet the shit out of communists. some korean kid lives by me and we jump him if he says shit. and if a missle is shot over here i will swim across the ocean and pop a gat in those bitches face. haha.
Posts: 215
Karma: 57
I live in no where, so i'm all good. plus no one wants us to invade them
Posts: 2453
Karma: 26
If there is a nuclear war, I PRAY it hits NYC first. I rather not be around for the mutant future of a nuclear holocaust, I would be happy as a clam to be vaporized.
Posts: 5117
Karma: 65
yeah i live in DC. thats probably a hotspot. fuck it
Posts: 2839
Karma: 149
random places would be targeted, up untill like 5 years ago plattsburgh ny was probably top 5 on russias list, now i bet its in the thousands, targets change all the time
Posts: 571
Karma: 11
You should only be scared if you live in the USA.
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
really? since if the USA is ever nuked, you know that no other country would be even remotely affected. Or that there would be no retaliatory strikes. I already mentioned it above, it's called MAD. Whatever country launches a nuke at the USA is guaranteed that every single one of their bases, cities, and the majority of their people will be absolutely destroyed. The idea is that if we get hit in any way, we wipe the attacker off the face of the planet. That was the problem during the cold war, both the US and Soviets used this idea, so any nuclear strike would lead to a major nuclear war that would probably end life.
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
I believe everything I'm told.
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
you can't be serious. the threat will only be worse when troops are pulled from Iraq. The next strongest force in the country will take over, They will terrorize their own country. Everyone will blame the us for making things much worse and then you have a whole new breed of terrorists that want to destroy anyone who fucked up their lives. With the troops over their it keeps the war out of the US.
Posts: 112
Karma: -1
nope but my area is pretty prone to an attack camp david like 40 mi away site r is like 25 mi away 4 different naval and army bases within 15 mi army war college like 10 mi away and fort indiantown gap is like 25 mi away and im in the middle haha
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Clearly you don't research much. The reason we were attacked is because of our repeated involvement in middle eastern, and more specifically israeli, affairs when we shouldn't have been. This greatly upset many mainstream and extremist political and fringe groups all over the region. We got repeated warnings to pull out and stop fucking with their interactions, but we didn't listen, and then a plane crashes into a building. Instead of pulling out, we put more people in. Thats a dumb move.
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
Ya if anyone ever launched a nuke, it would just lead to a chain reaction (no pun intended..get it? lolz) of countries retaliating and killing everybody off. We'd all be dead so fast it wouldn't matter anyways! Not much we can do about it so I see no reason to be afraid of it.
Posts: 20239
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Denial is the greatest defense.
Posts: 2776
Karma: 28
Look at it this way, there are worse ways for the human race to be killed off...
Expanding sun, killer asteroid, deadly wordwide disease, zombie attack, robots, aliens...
At least we'd go out with a bang.
Posts: 2930
Karma: 166
zombie attack would rock, I can't wait till that shit happens
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
Posts: 29
Karma: 10
There's only one way to fight nuclear threats - with nuclear
Posts: 1597
Karma: 117
Ok heres the worst that can happen... North Korea and Iran attack Us. blowing up the east coast probably so then we fire back nuking the fuck out of korea but not much of iran. then we end up in a nuclear haulicaust and we all die and the world blows the fuck up
Posts: 2998
Karma: 3,881
i'd rather get hit by a giant meteor then die from radioactive sickness.
Posts: 1597
Karma: 117
id rather die fighting off aliens with will smith and that other dude in men in black with huge uneccesary photon cannons
Posts: 962
Karma: 14
i really doubt anything like this is gonna happen anytime soon id be more worried about planes falling from the sky and earthquakes
Posts: 1028
Karma: 15
im pretty sure nothing is going to happen like this, security these days everywhere is extremely strict, dont worry about it happening, it wont, not in our lifetime so dont worry about it just enjoy life and dont think about gay shit like this . HAhaaaa
Posts: 23992
Karma: 4,273
i just ran into a radiation pocket in cod 4 and almost died and my marine got killed by a huge bomb so it probably will happen if it did in the game
but no, i mean all countries know that if they fire a nuclear warhead, the second the target is confirmed the country that is about to get hit will fight back with another warhead, so it's kind of a suicide fire. we are capable of destroying this world and it's not like we can nuke north korea and not expect to get nuked ourselves so that's the main incentive not to launch them
Posts: 1268
Karma: -4
Posts: 27
Karma: 26
hahaha...probably the funniest thing i've read all day
Posts: 629
Karma: 12
Who would think of nuking the US? China depends way too strongly on us economically (at least for now), Russia isn't really a player anymore, North Korea's little dud wouldn't do squat compared to a themonuke, and Iran probably doesn't have anything. Even if they do, they are being watched far too closely to try to get away with it. What's left, terrorists? The best they could hope for is an old Soviet model sold on the black market, and the US scooped most of them up.
If a nuke is used against the US, Canada, Britain, etc., I would not be at all surprised to see the aggressor wiped off the face of the planet by morning, nuclear retaliation or no. Even the US's conventional arsenal could level several cities. And if terrorists really do get their hands on a nuke, what happens when Mecca is a pile of radioactive dust?
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