The alliteration helps me get over how ridiculously obnoxious this situation is. Really. If you have a weak stomach, move on.
So I had this pretty sizable bump on the back of my head in my hair for the last three to four days. Big, we're talking like half a marble. Thought it was a bite or something, it kinda hurt when I fucked with it so I decided to just leave it alone right... bad call. Last night I happened to scratch the back of my head and I notice the "bump" is loose. As in I might be able to rip it off, it feels like it's hanging by a small thread...
Naturally I wanna rid myself of this bitch, so I start pulling. Hurts like hell, finally manage to wrangle it out, I look at what's between my thumb and my forefinger and it's a goddamn tick. FUCK! Caught completely by surprise I threw it on the ground because I'm a dumbass. So of course from that point on I'm tweaking the fuck out. Checking myself every time I feel a little pinprick on my skin, running my hands through my hair over and over, etc. Then, later that night, my paranoia is justified... I feel something so I have my friend pull it out, and sure enough it's another fucking tick.
I haven't been in the woods, really. All the kids who party here have been away, so I've really just kinda been working or chilling at home for the past week which is when I first noticed the bump... and I am living in a basement which is kinda nice but is also kinda old and unused for a long time. So.. my only theory is that these little bastards infest my room and got on me while I slept. So now I'm REALLY tweaking the fuck out. This is mostly a rant because I mean... what in the hell, why does this shit keep happening to me, no one else here has gotten ticks in years apparently and I got not one but two (that I know of) in my first two weeks. That being said, if anyone knows how I can for sure rid my living quarters of these creatures or another way besides the obvious to handle the medical side of the situation (that being a doctor's visit) I'd appreciate it. Thanks.