I just clicked on that ad at the bottom and have to say its ridiculous. Please don't ban me mods, I know you need the advertising money.
But still, I was watching a couple of those ads and I have to say its rather pointless. High school is a joke, almost anyone can graduate. My best friend's Mexican cousin who entered sophomore year knowing no english managed to graduate. I was watching the commercial about Franki, with her excuses about being caught up in the alcohol and drugs. Complete bullshit. I smoked crazy amounts of weed and got drunk at least 2 nights a week and got As. My former friend who takes ecstacy all the fucking time and never came to school fucking graduated. That is one of the most pathetic excuses I've ever heard unless she turned into a methed out, crack smoking street whore. I'm sorry franki but you're not getting a "boost" from me. Stop being so worthless, most of the people in the world will never even have access to a high school education. Yet this girl has the fucking audacity to drop out and put herself up on a shitty government ad campaign website. Fuck your boosts, my support goes to someone who deserves it.
Maybe if she spent less time managing her ridiculous hair style she'd have enough time to study to pass the joke that is the high school exit exam. All this stupid fucking Ad Council shit, aren't they responsible for those "above the influence" commercials?