It's kinda like the 5/20 thing at Bachelor except not organized at all, and no sleds.
We need to get a fat crew of people to meet up at the Timberline parking lot and hike up a ways to build a kicker. We would just meet in the parking lot and go from there. Everyone bring a shovel your own lunch and whatever else you want to have for a jump session.
We will probably only be hiking a maximum of 15 minutes so it won't be that bad. My friend and I are going to get up there at about six leaving portland at 4:30 so that we can start building before it gets to hot out. One of us will come down to the parking lot at 8:00 to meet up with whoever gets there late and lead them to the jump. We will also have salt so that we won't have to worry about the speed.
If you can come make sure you bring a shovel, your lunch, and lots of water cuz you will get thirsty!
If you think you can come PM me or send me an e-mail at for all the info because this thread was not very well put together.