Replying to Is my workout plan too much?
Hey doctor NS, tell me if my workout plan is ok.
It's summertime and I am hella bored, its been raining and I have nothing to do. I want to step my workout plan up to overdrive.
I've been doing a very small amount of lifting 3x a week for 2 months or so. Now I really want to get some real results. I use freeweights and do a lot of stretching so I am not at much risk for hurting myself.
Here it is:
A days--bench + curls
B days--military press, side shoulder raise
every day-alternating between decline bench fly/incline fly, sit-ups
The week would look like this:
A, B, A, B, A, rest, rest. so sat and sun I would rest, but the rest of the time I would be lifting. but since I don't work the same muscles two days in a row, should be fine right?
Hope this isn't too hard to understand, let me know or make any suggestions.
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