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Busted party.. am i in trouble
Posts: 70
Karma: 10
aight so party last night at my homeboys house, what was supposed to be a small 10 person get together, but one person got invited then that person invited someone and turned into a 35-45 person shitshow.
Cops roll in arond 11:15 and i get the fuck outta there through the back door and 20 people are behind me. We run way the fuck up this hill and everyone splits up, some people call thier homies for a ride, but i dont wanna go back down to the road, the cops are still probly around. Me and a few buddies climb up to the top of this hill and chill for a bit, and then decide to go over to my other friends house.(hes neighbors with the kid that got busted.) So yeah we get to his house around 12:30 and chill there. My car was parked at the bottom of this kids neighbors driveway, so i dont think they can nail me for that, but is there any chance i can get in trouble now? We got most of the cans outta there but there was like 3 cans lying on the kitchen table that had my prints on it.... would they runs prints for a party?
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
Cops bust up parties all of the time, if they're real dickheads they'll run your plate but that won't prove that you were drinking. They sure as hell wouldn't fingerprint a bunch of cans either unless someone got murdered.
Posts: 1400
Karma: 13
If they are fingerprinting cans then that is rediculous but I've been at plenty where I've been drinking and some have been busted but the cans haven't been fingerprinted anything cause I've gotten away every time luckily...
Posts: 1608
Karma: 13
running prints on cans? even cops have better things to do than that. but id say your completely fine. no one caught you even if your car was there an they ask you bout it say you were at your friends house nextdoor. no way they can prove otherwise if ur two friends back you up.
Posts: 508
Karma: 17
Posts: 1103
Karma: 92
chill dude there not fingerprinting cans...
Posts: 1509
Karma: 34
Posts: 9824
Karma: 1,404
Posts: 874
Karma: 17
ahaha dude they wont fingerprint cans. and even if they did how would they know it was your fingerprint
Posts: 192
Karma: 24
Are you for real??????? The cops don't give a shit. As long as you left, they don't care.
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