So the night begins like any other, decide to call up some old friends. I know they are having a party, and I guess one of my buds is joining the army and going to basic in like 2 weeks. They decided to throw a little get together for him. I roll up to the party around 12, start having a good time. I'm not getting too drunk, I know I have to drive home in a few hours.
Anyway, night passes pretty uneventfully. Hanging out with old friends, having a good time. Gets to be around 3:30, I've had about 4 beers over the last 4 hours, so definitely not drunk, hardly buzzed, but have some booze in my system. We all decide to go to Denny's and grab some chow. One of my friends, the one joining the army, Seamus, is pretty wasted so is his gf. 6 of us decide to go out and get some food, cramming 4 people into the back of my WRX.
We roll out around 4 o'clock, I'm feelin fine, perfectly sober, some of my friends are lovin my new car. Peer pressure kicks in , and next thing I know I'm showin em what the Suby can do. We get to a street, which apparantly is only 35 mph, I thought it was faster. I'm sitting at a light, 4:15 or so in the morning, I floor it off the line and get up to around 50. All of a sudden, blue lights go fucking nuts right behind me. I look back, and there is not one, but TWO cops right behind me. I'm like "Oh shit." I feel my heart practically skip a beat. I have one too many people in my car, they are all drunk, and I'm slightly buzzed. If the officer decides he wants to breathalize me, I'm looking at a DUI or an MIP at least. Even though I have hardly any alcohol in my system, any at all for a minor is an instant DUI. Oh fuck.
I stop, two officers approach my car. "License, Registration and Proof of Insurance please.." so I say "Sure thing officer." My friend is looking through my glovebox, and he can't find my Insurance card. Oh shit. Finally he finds it, and I hand it to him. "How many people do you have in the back of your car?" I tell him 4, and he asks if I know that that is illegal. I say that I know that it is, and I realize how stupid of a mistake I've made. He asks us where we are going and I say we are on our way to pick up some food. He takes my info back to his car, the other officer asks me to roll down the windows. He takes everyones license and starts questioning us a little bit. My friend tells him that he is going into the army, and if he has any infractions on his MSO he is severely in trouble. The officer basically goes, "You realize how big of a mistake you made tonight? You could fuck up your entire life right now if I decide to give you a ticket, which I haven't made my decision yet. You kids could be in serious trouble, this was so fucking stupid of you." So on and so forth, f-bombs included. He walks behind my car, and waits there for a few minutes. About 5 minutes pass, and I'm shaking, feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack. If they ever decide to breathalize me, I'm dead, my future is over. He had asked if I had been drinking, and I said no, I know I could have passed a field sobriety test but still, I'd be fucked. Other cop walks back, and we can kind of hear them talking behind my car.
The first cop seemed to be a little nicer, the other cop seemed more out to get us. The more testy cop said, "You realize I have 5 MIP's right here. How far were they going?" The other cop replies that we were just going to pick up some food. The nicer cop walks up to my door, and goes "Bryan would you please step out of the vehicle."..."Yes sir." I step out. For a minute it was sort of looking better, but this was not looking good. I step out, and he asks me again if I have any illegal substances in the car. I said that I don't think so, but I may have a beer or two in my trunk. He tells me that he isn't going to bust me for any liquor, just that to tell him so that he can pour it out. He asked if I had been drinking, and I said I had a couple of beers through the course of the night but I was sober now and it did not impede my driving at all. He seemed alright with that, and asked if they could search my car. I said yes of course, and they asked my friends to step out and began searching my car. He ended up finding 2 beers in my trunk, which he poured out into the street.
At this point, we were all standing on the curb around 5 in the morning, feeling like we were so screwed. The cops asked us if any of us had any MIP's and two of my friends raised their hands. They stared at us for another minute or so and the nicer cop turned to me and said, "Bryan, I'm going to give you a huge break right now. Don't do stupid shit in front of cops, you're really lucky tonight." After that he looked at my friend going into the army and said, "Especially you, you almost lost your MSO, don't make any stupid mistakes like this again. I hope you guys learned something tonight."
At this point, it's about 5:00 in the morning, I feel like I'm going to have another heart attack from sheer disbelief. We all got let off, and I don't even want to think about how many laws we had broken in the process. Went out to eat and headed home. Could have been totally fucked, but we had got lucky as hell with that officer. Thank God. Definitely learned a lesson tonight.
Spark Notes: Had too many people in the car, being showy like a fucking idiot. Everyone else was really drunk and I was slightly buzzed. Pulled over by two cops at 4:30. Easily could have gotten a DUI and we all could have gotten MIP's. Lucky as hell.